Dedicated to the memory of Harrison Olpin

This site is a tribute to Harrison Olpin.

Harrison was diagnosed with a rare condition called SMA at 5 weeks old.

SMA (Spinal muscular atrophy ) is group of hereditary diseases that progressively destroys motor neurons in the spinal cord that control essential skeletal muscle activity such as sitting up, limb movement, breathing, walking, speaking and swallowing, leading to muscle weakness and atrophy and can also affect the heart.

Unfortunately Harrison had the most severe form of SMA which began effecting him whilst still in the womb which lead to him only surviving because he was on a ventilator from 3 weeks old.

”Our whole world has been flipped upside down in the worst possible way but we know he is now at peace and no longer suffering. 

Zara was the most amazing Big sister to him and she always will be. He may have only had a very short life with us but he will always have a very special place in our hearts and will never be forgotten.

We are so proud of our beautiful little boy, he fought for longer than we could have imagined.”

”we would like any donations to go to South West Childrens Hospice at Charlton Farm as they took great care of Harrison in his short time there and also us as a family which enabled us to be a family of 4 for the last time. 

We are so grateful to them and also the NHS in general for everything they have all done.” - Mum, Dad and Big Sister Zara

He is much loved and will always be remembered.


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